Paris Biking
Bikes in Paris are a great way to see Paris differently, especially since the city has more than 2300,000 feet of biking lanes.
If you don’t have your own bike, you still have many options: rentals or Vélib’.
Vélib’ is a self-service bike rental system, created by Paris CityHall and a famous French company, JCDecaux.
With 20,000 bikes and more than 40,000 stops in Paris and its suburb, it is one of the cheapest, simplest and most practical ways to visit Paris (24/7).
Rates: Vélib’ classic: 29€ (1 year of unlimited rides, the 30 first minutes of every ride is free).
Vélib’ passion: 39€ (1 year of unlimited rides, the 45 first minutes of every ride is free).
Vélib’ promotion: according to your status or age, all year long, discounts are available to purchase your Vélib’ pass.
FYI: if you get a Navigo Pass, you can benefit from interesting rates and get your Vélib’ pass within 7 days. You can get the Vélib’ pass at any city hall in Paris.